Sunday, February 12, 2006

They really should have a thingamabob that does this!

How do inventors come up with their ideas? Is it a lack of something and genius strikes in a moment of pure frustration? Or do certain people sit and observe and plot to come up with a object or service that will take over and occupy a permanent spot in our lives?

The inventor of Velcro, Swiss outdoor enthusiast George de Mestral, was out walking his dog and upon coming home, discovered he was covered with burs. His Aha! moment came as he took those little sticky burs off the dog's fur. Though met with initial scorn and derision, velcro has obviously come to stay.

So what do you have cooking in the back of your minds? What object or service do you think would take off and make you rich and famous? When it does, don't forget it all started here in the convergenzone and mail your poor ol' English teacher one of those royalty checks.


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